Understanding Perimeter Security Needs

What is your need for perimeter security?  Is it crime prevention, protection of outdoor assets or privacy?  Many more reasons and all are legitimate for perimeter security.  It’s important to know what you’re trying to protect and what is the potential threat to it.

Perimeter security barriers take many forms such as walls, fences and natural barriers.  Access points and control are crucial.  How will authorized persons and vehicles gain access?

Depending on what your protecting access points can range from crash rated bollards for vehicle traffic, electric motorized gates, turnstiles to simple pedestrian gates for residents. Will the access points be manned or unmanned?

Perimeter security is no longer a matter unique to the military, airports, power plants, oil refineries and other high-risk facilities. Over the past two decades, advancements in technology and changes in cost have transformed perimeter security and expanded the users to organizations that had never considered exterior protection such as residential  communities, small business, hospitals, schools, transportation centers, remote locations and private residences.

The use of detection devices, specifically video but not limited to, is exploding. Use of video or other detection devices in combination with physical barriers provide a strong deterrent and early detection of potential threats. Depending on your location and threat analysis traditional alarm systems just aren’t enough these days for the protection of people and assets.

If your considering upgrading, changing or establishing perimeter security for your location or facility make sure you consult a perimeter security professional.  Know why you need it and the potential threat.  If you take this approach you can focus and tailor your perimeter to effectively protect.